quarta-feira, 5 de maio de 2010

Landmark Mercedes-Benz

Landmark Mercedes-Benz

In the year that the Brazilian operation has exceeded the German parent in the assembly of trucks, Mercedes-Benz of Brazil celebrated a historic production of 2.5 million engines in the country motors and components manufactured in Sao Bernardo do Campo equip domestic vehicles and are also supplied to other units of the Daimler Group, like the Sprinter light commercial, Argentina, Freightliner heavy trucks in the United States, and the Citaro buses, Germany. The first block for the Mercedes engine in Brazil was cast in 1956 and the following year, the engine produced 321 MW indirect injection six-cylinder power of 100 hp.

Technological advance marked the company's growth as the introduction of direct injection, application of fuels such as alcohol, alcohol additive, esterified vegetable oils and natural gas. Electronic engines and biodiesel B2 and B5 and complete development of the brand.

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